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Une grande chambre lumineuse, aux doux tons bleus subtils et naturels, séparée du reste de la maison par une grande salle de bain attenante avec une douche à « ciel de pluie ». Elle dispose d'un luxueux lit double « king size » ou de deux lits simples ci nécessaire. 

People will make it themselves but prefer to go to the local bakery which will be overflowing with this King's cake.

Composed of two circles of puff pastry sandwiching a frangipani filling, each comes with a crown and always has a trinket, called a fève, or bean, baked into it.  It’s an invitation to gather, as much party game as pastry – if your slice has the fève, you get the crown and the right to be king or queen for the day. This year our boulangerie made fèves to honour Olonzac’s award winning rugby team!

How to make a traditional Galette des Rois

Happily, the galette can be made to fit your schedule. The pastry circles can be cut, covered and refrigerated ahead of time as can the almond filling (it will keep for up to 3 days). And the whole construction can be made early in the day and baked when you’re ready for it. Tuck a bean or whole almond into the filling — warn your guests! — and, if there are children in the house, put them to work crafting a crown. 

Click here for the recipe…


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Les chambres d'hôtes de Sainte-Hélène

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