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Une grande chambre lumineuse, aux doux tons bleus subtils et naturels, séparée du reste de la maison par une grande salle de bain attenante avec une douche à « ciel de pluie ». Elle dispose d'un luxueux lit double « king size » ou de deux lits simples ci nécessaire. 

100 € la nuit

95 € la nuit pour deux nuits

90 € la nuit à partir de 3 nuits.


Les prix affichés sont par chambre et par nuit, petit-déjeuner compris.

Si vous demandez deux lits simples un supplément de 10 € sera ajouté au prix total de votre séjour. 


Lit Super King: 1,83 x 2 mètres



To Make the Filling

Step 1
Working with a mixer or by hand, beat the butter and sugar together until creamy and light. Beat in the almond flour and the salt. Mix in 1 whole egg, then the white from the second egg (reserve the yolk). Mix in the rum, if using, and the extract. Cover, and refrigerate for at least 1 hour.


Step 2

Mix the yolk with 1 teaspoon cold water; cover, and refrigerate until needed.


To Assemble

Step 1

Place one circle of dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Spread the filling evenly over the dough, leaving a 1-inch border bare. Press the charm into the filling. Moisten the border with cold water, position the second circle of dough over the filling and press around the border with your fingertips to seal well. Using the back of a table knife, scallop the edges by pushing into the dough (about ¼- to ½-inch deep) every ½ inch or so. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.


Step 2

Heat the oven to 220 C (425 F). Brush a thin layer of the reserved yolk glaze over the top of the galette, avoiding the border (if glaze drips down the rim, the galette won’t rise). With the point of a paring knife, etch a design into the top of the galette, taking care not to pierce the dough. Cut 6 small slits in the top as steam vents.


Step 3

Turn the heat down to 200 C (400 F), and bake for 30 to 40 minutes, until the galette is puffed and deeply golden. Check after 20 minutes, and tent loosely with foil if it’s browning too much or too fast. Transfer to a rack, and cool for at least 15 minutes (the galette may deflate — that’s puff pastry for you!). Serve warm or at room temperature.





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Les chambres d'hôtes de Sainte-Hélène

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This is not always possible.

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Mark & Kay

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