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The Vine Guardian Program

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The Vine Guardian program helps small independent winemakers to overcome adversity, to thrive again and continue to produce delicious Languedoc wines.


Why was the program set up by Vin en Vacances in 2021?


They set up the program to help Emmanuel Puy, a talented young passionate Minervois wine maker following the unusual spring frost in 2021 which devastated his vines reducing the crop by over 75%.  Vin en Vacances reached out to their customers offering them a chance to come to the rescue by adopting a row of vines in return for a case of wine and a strong connection to the Puy vineyard. The response was fantastic and over 100 people initially pledged their support.  This has continued to grow...


The damage the frost wreaked on the vineyard stretched into the 2022 vintage and beyond so the support of the Vine Guardians is vital to this domain and it will also allow Emmanuel to invest in new growth and new wines.


Here is a link to their website and of course we now stock their wines at Sainte-Hélène!


Interested in becoming a Vine Guardian?  Contact us below...





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Mark & Kay

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